Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Dear Bronx,

It has been about a week now since you discovered the baby dolls in Averi’s room and you have played with this boy baby ever since.  It was like you had found your long lost friend the first time you saw him.  This actually is one of Mommy’s baby dolls from when she was little. :)

I am amazed how you can go from being a rough and tough little boy throwing things around and crashing your trucks into the wall to the most lovable little man ever!  Your compassion for things is truly a incredible.  I hope you always remain such a kind and caring person as you grow up.

There are many people that would probably think it is just silly to let you play with dolls, but I would tell each of them that you are preparing to the be the best daddy, uncle, cousin, brother, friend, etc., that you can possibly be.  :)  Which ever roles your chose in your life always do them to the best of your ability.  While you may not be able “choose”  all of these roles, you CAN choose to be the BEST version of you in them. :)

You probably won’t believe me someday a few years from now when I try to remind you about the love you had for this baby doll, so I was sure to include some pictures.  My favorite is the one where you are laying on the floor to give him some “extra love.”

Continue to share your love with the world buddy!  You light up my life and have the gifts to do so for some many others as well!  I love you!


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